
Company Policy

ENGEL Elektroantriebe GmbH manufactures high-quality electrical drive components and systems. A special focus is on customer-specific products. ENGEL Elektroantriebe plays a leading role in the mostly industrial applications that are served with products.


As ENGEL Elektroantriebe it is our overall aim, to serve our customers with high-quality, reliable and competitive products and services that are delivered on time.

We raise the claim to achieve the aim in a socially responsible way. Our acting and our decisions are only done under the consideration of economical and technological aspects as well as ethical and social ones. Our all-embracing corporate culture and customer orientation serves as the basis for achieving our aim.


Qualified and motivated employees are a prerequisite for our success in business. Each employee is an important part of the whole. Each one bears responsibility for the quality of his or her own work. Staffing requirements are adequately adjusted by management, the necessary skills are encouraged, supported and implemented.

Our behaviour with and to each other is respect- and trustful, free of discrimination, annoyance and work bullying. We care for a working environment in which health and safety has top priority. The rights of our employees are respected in every regard.


Protecting the environment is of particular concern to us. We are conscious of the fact that our activities adversely affect the environment. It is our intention to reduce these adverse effects to a reasonable minimum, taking into account the financial and technical aspects. This approach is also reflected in our efforts to increase the energy efficiency of our products.


With customers and suppliers alike, we cultivate and maintain a fair and co-operative partnership. We stay for a fair competition and have a distance to any form of corruptions and bribery. The same responsible procedure done by ourselves is expected from our business partners.


The company's management team takes into account its responsibility by regularly reviewing the company policy and the aims derived from this and by adequately communicating these. It promotes and supports a high level of training for the employees and ensures that the necessary resources are provided. We commit ourselves to compliance with applicable requirements and binding obligations.


Our comprehensive QM and UM systems according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 as well as DIN EN ISO 14001:2015 support us in meeting our high demands in the various business sectors. The continuous care and development of these tools are of very high concern to us.


In all departments of our company, from management to the shipping department, it is essential to avoid mistakes and to act efficiently. Unnecessary environmental burdens and waste of energy must also be avoided. We want to improve continuously and to react quickly and consistently to any deviations or discrepancies. Our understanding of performance, quality, data and environmental protection is the basis for the satisfaction of our customers and other stakeholders and thus also forms the basis for the lasting success of our company.


Walluf, in November 2019


Thomas Preußer





Social commitment

As ENGEL Elektroantriebe we are aware of our social responsibility and, amongst others, support the German Cancer Aid.

TÜV - ISO 9001:2008

TÜV - ISO 9001:2008 TÜV - ISO 9001:2008 TÜV - ISO 9001:2008 TÜV - ISO 9001:2008

ENGEL Elektroantriebe GmbH, 2025-02